Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 3 (In flashback(s)).Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 2.Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (First appearance).
You can help Wookieepedia by expanding it. For a short time they were also used by Imperial troops before the updated E-11 rifle was released. It was the precursor to the E-11 blaster rifle used by the Galactic Empire. Clone troopers could also attach ascension cables to their carbines to scale high walls. DC-15A carbines could be outfitted with sniper scopes and also worked in conjunction with the holographic data readouts inside a clone's helmet. The weapon could also be mounted on a tripod. The blaster was fitted with a folding stock that could be extended for extra stability. The variable power output could be controlled by the clone trooper and included a low-powered stun setting. One of the standard-issue weapons for the clone troopers during the Clone Wars, the DC-15A was a reliable blaster capable of both sustained fire and slower, long-range accuracy.
The DC-15A blaster carbine had the same shot capacity as the DC-15A blaster rifle, but a shorter range.